Women travellers search 2.5X more for offbeat international destinations: Scapia

The increase in liberalism and financial independence amongst Indian women has led to a significant shift, with more and more women taking the road and exploring the world on their own terms. This trend is changing not only the travel industry but also the way women are perceived as travellers.

As revealed by the travel fintech platform Scapia, nearly 56% of all travel bookings done by women on the app have been solo travellers. The platform reveals interesting destinations from across the globe that top the chart of Indian female travellers.

Lesser-explored and exotic international cities such as Manama in Bahrain, Busan in South Korea and Seville in Spain make it to the wishlists of Indian women, emerging as top city searched on Scapia’s travel platform. These cities witness over 2.5 times more searches by female travellers. Top 5 destinations that women travellers searched for finding their next adventurous escapades included Busan (South Korea), Seville (Spain), Manama (Bahrain), Oludeniz (Turkey) and Strasbourg (France).

Further, known for their cultural richness, historical significance, and diverse experiences, Budapest, Dublin, and Nairobi have the highest hotel bookings on Scapia for women seeking unique travel experiences. The most preferred destinations for women tribe members to book flights include Langkawi, Chiang Mai, Muscat, and Zurich.

To celebrate the spirit of women travellers, Scapia has announced a special perk. From the 6th to the 10th, all women cardholders can enjoy 2X Coins on flight bookings made through Scapia. This exclusive offer aims to provide additional value and rewards to women travellers, encouraging them to embark on their dream journeys with Scapia.

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