NIMA celebrates 10th anniversary, marks decade of achievements and global ambitions

On May 25, 2024, the Network of Indian MICE Agents (NIMA) celebrated its landmark 10th anniversary, marking a decade of significant contributions to the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) sector in India. Founded by visionary leaders Gajesh Giridhar, Rakesh Arora, Vikas Khanduri (Advisor), and Gurmeet Singh Chhatwal, NIMA has grown into a true representative body for serious MICE operators across the country.

NIMA’s unique National Executive Committee includes active MICE operators and SMEs from major metropolitan areas like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata, as well as smaller cities such as Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneshwar, Yamuna Nagar (Haryana), and Tirupati. This diverse composition ensures that NIMA represents a wide range of perspectives from across India, setting it apart from other travel associations.

Over the past decade, NIMA has achieved numerous accolades and milestones, establishing itself as a trailblazer in the Indian travel industry. Some of its key achievements include:

·       Free Membership: NIMA has offered free membership to MICE players for the last ten years and pledges to continue this initiative in the future.

·       Empowerment and Growth: The organization empowers both established and aspiring MICE players with the knowledge and resources needed to grow their businesses.

·       Symbiotic Environment: NIMA fosters a supportive community where smaller players can learn, earn, and grow with the help of their fellow NIMA members.

·       Educational Partnerships: NIMA has formed MOUs and strategic partnerships with various universities, colleges, and educational institutions, providing mentorship, guidance, training, and employment opportunities to students and budding entrepreneurs.

·       NIMA Connect: This initiative brings young entrepreneurs and students together with national and international tourism boards, key industry partners like VFS, and allied professionals in tax and finance to broaden their perspectives.

·       Industry Conferences: NIMA organizes events and conferences addressing contemporary industry issues such as GST and TCS.

·       Strategic Platforms: The organization provides platforms for members to address queries, connect with principal partners, and facilitate smooth business operations.

·       International Collaborations: NIMA has established international partnerships with tourism boards from Catalonia, Jordan, Cyprus, Taiwan, Kissimmee, Nepal, Singapore, and Moscow.

·       MOUs with Malaysia: Partnerships have been signed with the Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau and Selangor Tourism, Malaysia.

·       Unique Initiatives: NIMA organized a unique floating conference in partnership with Resort World Cruises, the first of its kind for an Indian MICE association.

Looking ahead, NIMA is set to expand its membership internationally, aiming to become the first Indian MICE organization to go global. This ambitious move underscores NIMA’s commitment to setting new standards in the MICE industry and fostering international collaboration.

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