Airfares to Prayagraj have surged four to five times the normal rates during the Maha Kumbh, sparking nationwide outrage and raising concerns about fare monitoring and transparency in the aviation sector. With the Shahi Snan days, particularly Mauni Amavasya on January 28 and 29, drawing massive crowds to the holy Sangam, airlines have significantly hiked ticket prices. For instance, Delhi-Prayagraj return fares have soared to over ₹50,000, with some tickets nearing ₹1 lakh.
The exorbitant pricing has forced many travelers, including India Today TV’s Gaurav Sawant, to opt for road travel instead. Social media is flooded with screenshots of inflated airfares, leading to public outcry. Following the backlash, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) issued a directive to airlines to rationalize ticket prices to Prayagraj.
A search conducted earlier revealed that Mumbai-Prayagraj return tickets for January 28 were priced at over ₹41,000, underscoring the steep fare hike. The incident has reignited discussions on fare discovery formulas and the need for greater oversight in the aviation industry.