Air India has made a groundbreaking move by becoming the first Indian airline to introduce in-flight Wi-Fi services, enhancing the flying experience for passengers across its network. The service, which allows passengers to stay connected with the world during their flight, is now available on select international routes, with plans for a broader rollout across more aircraft in the coming months.
The introduction of in-flight Wi-Fi comes as part of Air India’s ongoing efforts to modernize its services and offer a more comfortable and connected experience to its passengers. This new offering allows travelers to browse the internet, check emails, and stay active on social media while cruising at high altitudes.
Speaking about the launch, Mr. Campbell Wilson, CEO and Managing Director of Air India, said, “We are excited to offer our passengers in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity for the first time, setting a new benchmark for the Indian aviation industry. As a national carrier, we strive to provide innovative services that meet the needs of modern travelers. This service will bring convenience and connectivity to millions of passengers flying with us.”
The in-flight Wi-Fi service is powered by state-of-the-art satellite technology, ensuring stable and high-speed internet access during the flight. Passengers can access the service through a secure Wi-Fi network on their personal devices, with different pricing plans available depending on usage.
Air India has been consistently investing in enhancing its passenger services, including upgrading its fleet and introducing new features that prioritize customer comfort and satisfaction. The addition of Wi-Fi is expected to attract more passengers who value connectivity during travel, making Air India a competitive player in the global airline industry.
With this move, Air India continues to lead the way in providing world-class travel experiences while reinforcing its position as a forward-thinking airline in India’s aviation sector.