7 Apple Hotels & Resorts appoints Ganga Dam as new Revenue Manager

7 Apple Hotels & Resorts has appointed Ganga Dam as its new Revenue Manager. Dam has over 7 years of extensive experience and a proven track record of success in revenue management. With a keen eye for optimization and a strategic approach, Dam has navigated the complexities of revenue management with finesse, propelling properties to new heights of profitability.

Her expertise extends across domestic and international markets, with a particular focus on the competitive landscape of the USA. Through meticulous market analysis and dynamic pricing strategies, Dam has consistently maximized revenue streams and enhanced online presence for properties under her purview.

She excels in articulating complex ideas and fostering seamless collaboration among team members and stakeholders. Her commitment to teamwork and inclusive leadership style have facilitated harmonious group efforts and yielded exceptional results.

In the past, as Revenue Manager at Lords Hotels & Resorts, Dam spearheaded pre-opening properties’ online marketing strategies, pace report analysis, rate parity maintenance, and market studies. At Fair Cloud, her tenure saw significant achievements in overseeing prominent US brands and achieving budgetary targets through strategic planning and dynamic pricing.

7 Apple Hotels Resorts

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